Why Urahara's Bankai is the most broken ability in the entire series

Publish date: 2024-05-05

With Bleach TYBW anime only recently having shown fans a glimpse of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, fans of the series who have read the manga will remember the time he and Kisuke Urahara combined their strength to fight against one of Yhwach's Royal Guard members, Askin Nakk le Vaar.

While the fight itself is over 140 chapters away from where the anime adaptation is currently, it features the debut of Kisuke Urahara's Bankai in the series. While it does get featured pretty late in the series, Bleach fans consider it to be one of the most broken abilities due to its outrageous potential.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Bleach manga

Bleach: What is Kisuke Urahara's Bankai?

Kisuke Urahara's Bankai in Bleach Brave Souls game (Image via KLabGames)

Kisuke Urahara's Bankai is called Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame. Similar to several other Bankai, Kisuke Urahara's Bankai manifests a giant figure as Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame manifests a giant woman with dark, braided hair arranged in loops on her head. Her arms are mannequin-like, almost similar to that of a doll, as she wears a revealing red robe over her body.

While the Bankai itself looks quite enigmatic compared to other Shinigami's Bankai, its abilities are simply outrageous. Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame has an overpowered ability to restructure anything it touches for both offensive and supportive purposes. This ability is only applicable within a specific area, as Urahara, while using Bankai, is able to split open anything like using a knife.

Kisuke Urahara's Bankai - Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame (Image via Shueisha)

While the "splitting" itself sounds painful enough, that's not the most dangerous part, as Kisuke Urahara has the liberty to restructure anything by stitching it back together. While in his own case, Urahara restored his eyes after Askin Nakk le Vaar rendered them useless, but for opponents, he could restructure their bodies to make them weaker.

His restructuring ability isn't singled out for restoring or healing, but it can also be used to enhance any body part for the optimal working state. In his fight against Askin, Urahara reinforced his arms with greater strength using his Bankai. This helped him to overpower Yhwach's Royal Guard, Askin Naak Le Vaar.

Kisuke Urahara reinforcing his arm strength using his Bankai (Image via Shueisha)

With that said, the Bankai has a lot of applications as Urahara can also create a path for others to move through obstacles or barriers. This was seen when he used his ability to open a path for Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez to enter Askin's Gift Ball Deluxe.

However, the Bankai does have its drawbacks as well. When Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame is deactivated, any body parts that were enhanced or healed using the Bankai go back to the way it was before it was restructured. Thus, the user Urahara could go through tremendous pain upon deactivating his Bankai if he had used it to heal himself.

What's unique about Kisuke Urahara's Bankai?

Yoruichi showing Ichigo the Tenshinatai (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Unlike other Bankai users who learned to use Bankai over the course of ten years, Kisuke Urahara was the first person to learn to use Bankai in just three days. He created the Tenshinatai, which was an artifact that could forcibly materialize the spirit of a Zanpakuto upon being stabbed by the Zanpakutō. This allowed a user to subjugate the spirit and attain the Bankai of their Zanpakuto. Ichigo later used the same method to attain his Bankai in the original Bleach anime.

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