Why is Liga MX not in FIFA 23?

Publish date: 2024-04-11

Liga MX is Mexico's top-flight division and many FIFA 23 players had hoped that the league would be present in this year's title. To their disappointment, that hasn't been the case, and Mexican fans were robbed of a chance to play as some of their favorite teams.

There are plenty of authentic leagues featuring original teams present in the game. Players can try out these leagues across different game modes, including the career mode, where they can take control of their favorite teams. Items from these leagues and their clubs are generally added to Ultimate Team, which includes player items, club kits, and more.

However, all of this works based on EA Sports licenses with different outlets. One primary reason for the series undergoing a shift in name next year is on the same grounds. This is a major reason as to why Liga MX isn't present in this year's release.

Liga MX preferred to enter into an agreement with Konami and avoid FIFA 23

EA Sports owns the licenses to several big football leagues across the world as well as the clubs in those leagues. The two big names that will come to mind are the Premier League and La Liga. In fact, the game has licenses for all the major European Leagues.

When it comes to North America, the number of options reduces significantly. The MLS is present, along with licenses for all the official teams in the league. But that's all as far as North American football is concerned, as the Canadian and Mexican top flights aren't present in-game.

Liga MX's absence from FIFA 23 is the result of an agreement that it entered into with Konami, the maker of eFootball 2023. The league has a full license for this year's release, which includes all clubs and players plying their trade. Several unique cards from the leagues have been launched by Konami to mark the start of the license.

The nature of each license differs based on the terms and conditions. Despite Serie A being licensed in FIFA 23, teams like Roma and Napoli don't have their official kits and logos in the game. They also lack actual names within the game, but footballers from both clubs are present across all game modes.

In comparison, Inter and AC Milan have also entered into licenses this year, but they have their presence in the game. There are rumors that they won't be authentic from next year, which is also due to terms and conditions.

The licensing issue has meant that players will have to play eFootball 2023 if they want to try out teams and players from Liga MX. Interestingly, the Mexican national team is available in FIFA 23, and all the national team footballers are also available.

Contracts are always subject to change, which may result in the Mexican top flight returning to EA Sports later on. However, it is doubtful that Liga MX will be added to FIFA 23 at some point. As for the fans, they will have to make do without it and it might become available with custom mods later down the line.

EA Sports FC has been confirmed by the developers to replace FIFA 23. Liga MX hasn't yet been announced for the game, so players will likely have to wait longer, or try it out in eFootball.

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