When do thunderstorms appear in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Winter is finally coming to an end in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and fans are ecstatic about the arrival of spring. Apart from the beautiful greenery all around, the onset of spring also brings about a universally loved phenomenon in the game, thunderstorms.

With the snow melting in the Northern Hemisphere, New Horizons fans will get to enjoy the rainfall and occasional thunderstorms in the game, and they could not be more excited about it.

Thunderstorms in Animal Crossing: New Horizons are beautiful

Thunderstorms are not very frequent in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but players can get to witness them more frequently during the onset of spring and the subsequent onset of summer.

Popular Animal Crossing YouTuber Mayor Mori recently shared his thoughts about thunderstorms in New Horizons.

Winter ends in the Northern Hemisphere on February 24, and February 25 will immediately see the start of spring in the game. This indicates that there will be a major shift in the appearance and wildlife present on every player's New Horizons island. Apart from the snow melting away and the trees regaining their greenery in spring, players will also get to witness light to heavy rainfall on their island, which might be accompanied by the occasional thunderstorms.

Thunderstorms do not really do much in New Horizons except for the sudden flash of light in the sky followed by the sound of thunder rumbling. However, this, in itself, is something very exciting for players to witness and they look forward to it whenever it rains. Furthermore, most of the villagers roaming around on the island during thunderstorms can be seen sporting cute rain-appropriate outfits as well.

However, one of the few benefits of thunderstorms in New Horizons is the excessive availability of rare fish like the coelacanth, meaning that players have an increased chance of earning Bells from catching them. Furthermore, the onset of spring also sees a reshuffling in the bugs and critters present on every island.

However, once the rain stops, players will get to witness beautiful clear skies in Animal Crossing, and if they are lucky, they might spot a rainbow or even a double rainbow in all its glory. Naturally, players are always looking forward to the arrival of spring in the game, since it brings a lot of changes in the game after the long winter season.

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