Upload a resume from a local file

Publish date: 2024-06-04

Upload a resume from a local file

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  • From the navigation bar, click Candidates>Upload.

    The Upload Candidate window opens.

  • Click Browse.
  • Navigate to the folder containing the resume and double-click it.
  • Click Upload.

    The resume is uploaded and parsed.

    Note:The parsing process may not be 100% accurate due to the many different formats a resume can be constructed in.

  • On the Upload Candidate page, complete any information not captured by the parser. Also correct any incorrect information.
  • (If applicable) To add an attachment to the candidate’s profile, click the Browse button in the File Attachment box to locate the file on your local or network directory.
  • From the Associate With Job Posting text box, type at least two letters to view a list of active job postings to tie the candidate to.
  • To define a resume source, select a source from the Select Source field. The default selection is "Local," referring to a candidate imported from a local directory.
  • Click the Save button at the top of the screen to complete the process of importing the candidate into SilkRoad Recruiting.

    You are notified which hiring stage is assigned.

    If you did not associate a job with this resume, it gets an Open Prospect hiring stage. If you associated it with a job, the resume gets an Uploaded Candidates Hiring stage.

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