Tiny Harris Latest Gorgeous Photo Has Fans In Awe: Whatever You Stopped Doing To Your Face Has

Publish date: 2024-04-28

Tiny Harris shared a photo of herself on her social media account in which she looks flawless. She’s a doll, and her fans couldn’t agree more.

Tiny has been feeling great at the beginning of 2019 and more sources who spoke to the online magazine Hollywood Life said that she regained her trust in T.I. as well.

Their marriage is reportedly in the best place ever these days.

Tip has to go to Las Vegas, dubbed as ‘Sin City’ and Tiny reportedly doesn’t have a problem with this as she trusts him completely.

‘T.I. has a show this coming weekend in Las Vegas, he will be performing at Drai’s nightclub on Saturday, and Tiny is not planning to go with him. She isn’t sweating it though, it’s business, he’s there to make his money, and that’s all. In the past T.I. going to Vegas without her is something Tiny might have gotten jealous about, but right now things are so solid with them, she’s not worried,’ the source told Hollywood Life.

Anyway, here’s the latest photo that Tiny shared on Instagram that had her fans more in love with her than ever.


‘Stock up!!!! 2019 way! @beautydoll_mua on the quick beat @bkluvsme keep me kicking 💩 days later! 🙏🏽👑🏦’ Tiny captioned her photo.

Someone said ‘You look great!! Whatever you stopped doing to your face has worked. True beauty!!’

Another follower praised Tiny and said ‘Gorgeous boss mom!’ while someone else told Tiny that ‘This is the prettiest pic of seen of you. ❤️’

One other supporter was also on the same page and said: ‘You go Tiny💃looking absolutely stunning👌love you💖.’


We have to agree that Tiny looks divine in the picture. Keep it up, girl!
