My Massive C**k doco: Man rejected from job for having 24cm penis

Publish date: 2024-05-15

A jaw-dropping new documentary series that delves into the downsides of being well-endowed has revealed men with large penises are turned down for jobs, abused by strangers and even struggle to date.

British television network Channel 4 aired the new doco My Massive C**k this week, sharing the stories of guys who have struggled with different issues because of the size of their junk.

The average penis size in Australia is 14.45cm – but these men have manhoods that are considerably bigger.

While some on the series don’t mind their large packages despite admitting it has its problems, others are seeking reduction surgeries in a bid to “fit in”.

One man featured was 22-year-old Joe who claimed his 24cm penis had cost him a new job because they thought he had an erection during his interview.

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Joe, who chose to withhold his surname, said his large penis has got in the way of leading a normal life.

“The scaling is off, quite off. It’s thicker than my forearm, it’s about 18cm around,” Joe said when describing his privates, theMetro reports.

He went on to explain he has to wear special undies with a “pouch” in order to “fit everything in” and prevent his penis from “falling out”.

However, Joe’s bespoke briefs did him no favours during his job interview when his potential new employer mistakenly thought the bulge in his pants was something usually reserved for the privacy of your own home.

“The response I got was, ‘You’re not going to get the job, we thought you were a good candidate, but we thought there was inappropriate behaviour happening,’” he said on the program.

“They thought I had an erection throughout this whole interview, and they were very much like, ‘You’re attire wasn’t right,’” Joe said, stating the subtext was, “We can see your d**k.”

Another man on the show, Scott, described his huge penis has resulted in him being “objectified” by women.

The 35-year-old, whose penis measures at just under 24cm, said his large genitalia have made him the butt of a lot of jokes – even at the hands of his mates.

“I take it in good humour, but it can get to a point where it can get a bit tedious,” he said, according to a report by Mail Online.

“They’re a good bunch of lads, but I think it can affect my dating in this area because people do know.

“People just want your attention because of your penis and not who you are.”

Scott went on to say it can be difficult to navigate when meeting a new partner, but is trying to be more open when dating.

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“It’s not something I normally bring up on a first date, but I’m at the point in my life now where I want to get things right and get things out in the open,” he explained.

Joe, who spends $358 on his special undies, also said he gets unwanted attention and “abuse” over his large feature.

“It’s either don’t go out, or someone stares at your c**k,” he said.
