Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant Is Worth A Lot More Than You Think

Publish date: 2024-05-19

Robert Plant, if anyone, has led a pretty charmed professional life. His journey there, though, is one for the books. In the beginning, Led Zeppelin guitar genius Jimmy Page had a pretty clear vision of what he wanted the band to be, and his plans involved a talented rock vocalist known as ... Terry Reid. "Superlungs" Reid was one of Page's first picks to front Led Zep, but unfortunately for the six-string master (and even more unfortunately for Reid), the singer had just signed a contract with another industry player. 

Luckily for the very concept of rock music, Reid didn't leave Page hanging, but pointed him toward an emerging young talent called — everybody together now — Robert Plant. A quick glance at the annals of history will reveal just how well Plant worked for Page's plans. In fact, if you can't be bothered about history, all you need is a quick glance at Plant's financial status. According to Celebrity Net Worth, the Led Zeppelin singer is worth no less than $170 million. 
