Exclusive: Interview with Ishi - CelebMix

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Ishi is not a typical folk, electronica band. They are so much more, with great storytelling, a unique sound, and a message behind their music. CelebMix was able to talk to the innovative artists about their new EP and what makes them tick.

Exclusive: Interview with Ishi 2

How would you describe your sound?

A fusion of electronic music and southern soul .

Who are your biggest inspirations?

I grew up in a religious household. So the only the music I could buy was christian music or Elvis & The Beatles. So I would say the latter. But MTV opened up everything to Michael Jackson, Madonna, Bowie, Ace of Base, & New Order.

Tell us about the new EP.

The EP is called ‘Juno’. It’s a collection of five tunes that explore the sounds of funk, nu disco, house & indie rock. It covers a range of topics from spirituality, new love, and overcoming fears through unity of heart.

Tell us a little bit about how you use your music to talk and help others quality of life.

Throughout the years we have given back to local youth programs, orphanages & pediatric charities. This will be the first time that 50% of our EP sales will help support a non-profit cause. The most humbling moments I have had are with fans who shared how certain songs have helped them through depression or help mend relationships with loved ones.

What inspired you to help Music is our Weapon?

Music has been such a vital part of my own development and a creative source to discover my own voice. If I can help spread the word of music therapy and share the benefits it has had in my own life, I’m all in. Ashley Brightwell, founder of the non-profit, is helping patients with dementia, Alzheimer’s & cognitive issues by providing music in healthcare environments. He has been a huge advocate for the band. I thought it was time to return the favor and to team up with a cause I believe in.

What can we expect from you in the future?

We hope to spend more time on the road. September is filling up with a Texas run followed by some midwest dates. Our first single Bring The Thunder should be dropping soon a long with a video to follow. We are planning to release a full length next year. Fingers crossed.

If you want to find out more about Ishi, you can visit their website at http://www.ishimusic.com

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