Component Studio

Publish date: 2024-04-30
Component Studio

HotDocs Advance Integration > Component Studio

This is the interface for creating, editing, testing, or deleting the components in your HotDocs Advance templates. Components are the building blocks of a template. A template relies on components to determine how to ask for the data you want to gather in the interview.

You can open and close Component Studio as needed, or you can display it and switch between your template and Component Studio as you work. Keeping both windows open makes it easier to view and edit all the components in your template at once.

This topic covers:

Opening Component Studio

You can open Component Studio either from Workspace Explorer or from the HotDocs Author tab of the Word ribbon.

Component Studio Taskbar

At the top of the window a taskbar displays containing the following buttons:

Component File Properties Dialog Box

To access component file preferences, click the Properties button at the top of the component studio.

Maximum WHILE iterations  – To prevent HotDocs from infinitely processing a WHILE expression, which causes HotDocs to stop responding, type a number in this field. This number represents the number of times dialogs or variables in the template or script can be looped before HotDocs stops it from doing so.

Maximum processing stack depth  – To prevent HotDocs from infinitely processing (or recursing) a computation, which causes HotDocs to stop responding, type a number in this field. This number represents how many instructions you want HotDocs to allow in the processing stack. When HotDocs reaches this limit, the recursion will stop.

Main Components List

  • The main components list displays components in the current component file and enables you to search, sort, and filter the contents of the component file.


    Tip: Right-click on a component in this list to view a quick actions menu that enables you to: Edit, Rename, Cut, Copy, Paste, or Delete a component.
  • Search box – Enables you to quickly locate components within the component file. As you type, search results display immediately. You can clear the search box by clicking X.

  • Filter (All components) drop-down list –  The following options filter your search results (you can only search within this component file):

  • All components – displays all components (excluding supplemental components)

  • Text – Displays only the Text variables.

  • Number – Displays only the Number variables.

  • Date – Displays only the Date variables.

  • True/False – Displays only the True/False variables.

  • Single Select – Displays only the Single Select variables.

  • Multi Select – Displays only the Multi Select variables

  • Table – Displays only the Table variables

  • Dialogs – Displays only related variables grouped together to form a dialog. For example, instead of asking [Employee Street Address] [Employee City], [Employee Zip Code] you can group these related variables on a single dialog [Employee Address] to improve an interview's usability and flow.

  • Computations – Displays only the computations

  • Fixed Tables – Displays only the Fixed Tables.

  • All supplemental components – Displays all supplemental components.

  • Sort (drop-down arrow)  – Enables you to sort the component file's components.

  • Name – Sorts components by their names from A to Z.

  • Type – Places variables first, then computations, then Dialog Elements and finally dialogs; items of each type are sorted within their type depending on settings Natural and Reverse.

  • Natural – Sorts components from A to Z

  • Reverse – Sorts components from Z to A

  • Select multiple – Enables you to select more than one component in the main components list. The multiple component editor opens in the right pane, which enables you to:

  • Review the components you select. Remove a component from the Selected Component list by hovering over the name and clicking the x button.

  • Edit the properties of multiple components simultaneously using a property grid. The property grid has the following key features:

  • Properties are grouped into a logical manner (similar to how they are in their respective component editors, e.g. Display, Behavior, etc.) which you can interact with using a hierarchical tree control.

  • Only displays and enables you to edit the properties that the each selected component shares in common (e.g. if you select a text component and a date component, you will see and be able to edit the Prompt property, but not the answer suggestion related properties—as those are specific to text components)

  • Enables you to expand and collapse property groups using expanders and edit properties by either typing new values into text boxes, making selections using drop-down lists, or checking boxes

  • Edit the data in Single Select variables, Multi Select variables, and Fixed Table components, including individual cells, rows, or columns

  • Displays a description of the property in a description pane at the bottom

  • Create – Enables you to create a component depending on the type you select in the drop-down list.

  • Component list – Displays the contents of the component file according to search parameters, sorting, and any filters or multiple selection you apply. Select a component from the list to view it in the right pane, or double-click a component to pin it open for editing.

  • Find Results and Error Panes

    Docked at the bottom of the Component Studio are the Find Results and Errors panes.

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