Benedict Cumberbatchs hair was magnificent on Top Gear: would you hit it?

Publish date: 2024-05-15





These are some behind-the-scenes photos of Benedict Cumberbatch’s appearance on this week’s Top Gear. I covered the announcement earlier this week – I don’t think Cumby is promoting in particular, he just had a lull in his schedule and said “yes” when asked. He took a test drive and such. Whatever. I don’t really care about the car stuff. I CARE ABOUT HIS HAIR.

I could write poetry about those curls and waves. Is this close to his natural hair color? I know he dyes his hair for Sherlock, and although there are rumors about him being a natural ginger, I think he’s probably more of a medium-brunette with some natural red highlights. And look how long and shaggy it is!!! God, I need to give those curls a good yank. Hopefully while we’re both naked. Gawd. I love rough-and-tumble Cumby. I love when he’s in casual clothes, with his hair flying everywhere. The only thing that would make these photos better is the presence of a scarf.


I’m jealous of the wind because the wind gets to caress every Cumby Curl.

Best. Photo. Ever.

Photos courtesy of Mark Yeoman/Top Gear/BBC.
